München: Getting engaged and stuff

So, if you aren’t already aware: I have had a VERY exciting week and a half.  From getting engaged (eeek!!!!) to being in the hospital, it’s been a crazy time!  I’ll just start from the beginning: Ella and I arriving in our hotel room in Munich and thinking WHAT THE ____ (fill in with your favorite four-letter word here).  It was FILTHY!!!  Like, SICK!!  I felt like my cousin (shout-out to Danielle!) when I said I wanted a new room.  You guys, this room was nasty.  I don’t know WHAT was all over the walls; dirt, dust maybe.. but, in one corner, there were DRIED BOOGERS on our wall!!! EWWW!!  I don’t know how to explain how truly disgusting it was.  I was NOT a happy camper and am now probably a bigger germaphobe than I was before.  Great.

On our first day in Munich, we kind of explored a little and got to know the main city-center area we were staying at.  Then we also learned the S-Bahn (subway) system for the city.  I’m still loving the public transport here.  I think it’s just great and WISH we had something similar in Iowa… (I know that will never happen).

Anyway, I can’t remember anymore which days we did what until Joel got here, so I’m kinda just guessing on the days.

Friday we went to the Deutsches Museum.  It was pretty big and they had this huge, like, mine underground.  It was a fake mine that they built in so people could see the evolution of mining.  We were walking around down there for probably a good twenty minutes (maybe climbing on some of the equipment too – it didn’t say NOT to..) before we ventured out into the rest of the museum.  We saw some lightening be made as well in this lab area, so that was cool.  After the museum, we had free time for the day, so Ella, Zach, and I decided to just venture because it was a nice day.  We found the parliament building and it was BEAUTIFUL.  And there was also a rive that ran in front of it and people were just sitting out by the river and enjoying the nice weather, so we joined in.  It was so perfect; the sun beating down on us after lots of snow, hearing the water rush by, just hanging out.  It was lovely.  But we finally decided to go so we could shower and get ready to go out for the night.

That evening, Ella and I found a bar nearby on the internet.  We didn’t want to have to go to far since we didn’t know the city that well yet – but don’t worry: we didn’t go just the two of us.  Zach, our body guard for all intensive purposes, also went with us.  We weren’t planning on being out too late because we had to leave the hotel at 9 the next morning for the days events. Well… 1:30 rolled around and we finally realized it was actually late and we should probably go!  But here’s the thing: We weren’t just sitting, just the three of us talking about stupid stuff in English.  No – some regulars at the bar came and sat with us and we talked to them all for FIVE HOURS IN GERMAN!!  Only one of them knew any english.  Needless to say, we were all pretty impressed with ourselves to have been able to carry that conversation for that long!  It was definitely a breaking point for me – I didn’t realize that I could do that, so it was really really cool.  And we didn’t just talk about stupid things – we talked about culture, religions (they were all Islam, so there was a lot to talk about), music and so much more!  We actually had intellectual conversations and it was so great!  But we did end up finally leaving and getting back to our hotel pretty late (or should I say early).

On Saturday, I am so sorry, but I don’t remember what we did…. woops!!  Something cool, probably.  😉

Sunday morning (Joel’s coming Joel’s coming!) was the day that (Joel’s coming!!) I was really excited because (Joel’s coming!) Joel was coming that day!  He was supposed to get in at about 11, but his flights got WAY screwed up, so he wasn’t going to be able to get in until 4ish.  But that ended up being okay, because we saw my favorite thing in Munich that day; the Residenz Palace!  Oh. My. Lordy was this place huge. and. beautiful!!  I can’t even explain to you how beautiful it was!  Like, seriously, it was amazing.  And I can’t imagine having LIVED there!  This place was cool – if you’re ever in Munich, you MUST go!!  They even had three little harps. 😀

After the Residenz, we went out for coffee and cake, a great German thing that I love.  You just go sit and drink coffee and eat cake for, like, an hour.  Why not?  Of course, I can’t partake in the cake eating, but it’s okay.  I love the down time.  Then I left coffee and cake a little bit early toooooooooo GO PICK UP JOEL!!!  WOO!!  I was SO SO SO SO SO happy to see him!!  Like, SO happy!!  I’ve been doing really wel and haven’t actually gotten homesick here really, but it was definitely amazing to see him.  We took the S-Bahn for 45 minutes back to the hotel and then headed out to be with the group.  Everyone, however, was pretty much already back – there was a St. Patty’s festival that they went to, but came back relatively early to do other stuff as well.  So we hung out in one of the other rooms (one that WASN’T super-duper disgusting).  We were all getting ready to go out and Joel admitted that he was too tired, so we turned in for the night.  I understand – travelling can be exhausting!!  Especially from US to Europe.

The next morning, we had to get going somewhat early again so we could get up to Neuschwanstein Castle – it was about a 2 hour trip with trains and buses.  But it was worth it (for a few reasons) 🙂 It is the castle that Cinderella’s Castle was designed after, and apparently something in Harry Potter too… not sure.  But it was breathtaking.  A beautiful place.  So, (digressing a little, but it’s important) Joel and I got an apartment in Ames for next year.  So when we were headed up to the castle, he was like, “We should try to get a good picture so we can make a Christmas card.” I thought that was a GREAT idea.  Send a Christmas card from our little apartment.  I was all for it!  And I kept saying, “Oooh this would be a good spot for a Christmas card picture.”  Like, several times… making a fool of myself because I didn’t know what was coming… So our tour was about to start in, like, 2 minutes, and Joel was like, let’s go up to the top and take our picture there!  And I thought sure, what the heck.  So the whole group came with us.  He gave Ella my camera to ‘take the Christmas card picture’ but everyone was taking the picture… I thought it was a little weird, but hey, whatever… He made us take our jackets off so we looked nice and not in puffy winter jackets (even though it was snowing…) So we got together to take the picture and, by golly, that boy was shaking like maraca in a mariachi band! I turned to him and was like, “Joel, are you cold?” and the next thing I know, he’s dropping down on one knee.  Box with a ring in it in hand.  I was floored!!  I had absolutely no idea that this would be happening right then!!!!  And then he asked me, in German, if I would be his wife.  What did I say, “Did you ask my dad?”  DID YOU ASK MY DAD!  Oh gosh – I just don’t do well with ‘on-the-spot-stuff’ ha! Finally I came around and said, “Yes, of course.” 🙂 So now I get to marry Joel!  Hopefully I’ll be getting the video soon – there’s a video!  He seriously did such a good job – this place was picture perfect.  Kinda like a fairy-tale 😉 The only problem was that there was NO free wifi in Munich and my phone wasn’t workingggg!!  So it was difficult to not be able to tell everyone personally, but it’s okay – you still get the idea. 🙂

After all the excitement, we went to the Hofbräuhaus – a Munich legend.  Of beer.  Joel had been before and loves the place and Zach really wanted to go too, so it worked well.  So Ella, Zach, Joel and I went for a bit and then met up with the group for a late dinner at a very good Italian place.

When we got back to Urbach, Tanja and Jürgen and Sophia were all very nice and welcoming to Joel.  Sophia even let Joel play tic-tac-toe with her!  We made pizza that night and Tanja had champaign and chocolate for Joel and I to congratulate us.  I am so lucky and seriously have the best host family in the world – they’re always so nice!  Joel did his own thing walking around in Schorndorf Wednesday morning and then he and I went to the Mercedes museum in Stuttgart in the afternoon when I got done with school.  It was a lot bigger than I thought.  Way more cars than I needed to see in one day.  😉 But it was cool – they showed a bunch of history of what was going on at the same time certain cars came out which I thought was pretty neat.  We also went in a race-car simulator which was fun.  On Thursday, Joel went back into Stuttgart on his own while I was in class and went to the history museum that I went to about a month ago.  On Friday, he went to Nürnberg by himself.  Which stressed me out beyond belief!!  It was pretty far away, so if he got lost, I couldn’t really help him, so I was panicked the whole day!  And he was coming back later because we had presentations that evening for school that he didn’t want to sit through, because they were all in German.  And Nürnberg is probably always going to be cooler than school presentations.  However, I ended up getting a really bad migraine and got taken to the hospital… ugh.  NOT fun…  I had to get a CT to make sure I didn’t have a stroke or anything crazy like that and then I was put on an IV drip for quite some time and some medicine too.  I was there for probably 4 hours.. maybe more.  I’m not really sure.  But it was not a fun night.  Luckily, Tanja was there with me – which I felt really bad about because she wasn’t feeling all that well either, so I felt bad that she had to wait with me.  And somebody brought Joel to the hospital when he got back into Schorndorf.  So that wasn’t very fun.  But my migraine’s almost all gone, 5 days later….

Joel and I went back to Munich Saturday morning, because that’s where his plaine was leaving from.  We luckily had enough time to enjoy the palace (since he didn’t get to see it before), and another trip to the Hofbräuhaus.  We even ended up getting souveniers this time.  It was amazing having him here and I can’t wait to see him again – all of you really!  But at the same time, I can’t believe that I only have a month left here in Germany.  It has gone by SO quickly and there are still so many things I want to see!!  I guess I’ll just have to come back again.. 🙂

Until next time…


The "Christmas card picture"
The “Christmas card picture”


Realization of what was really happening!!
Realization of what was really happening!!


Happy Keely! :)
Happy Keely! 🙂


Celebrating at the Hofbräuhaus.  Yes, Joel does have a liter of beer. ha!
Celebrating at the Hofbräuhaus. Yes, Joel does have a liter of beer. ha!


Paris, Paris, Paris…

On Friday, my dear friend Ella and I ventured alone to Paris, France!  We figured we were doing well with the train systems in Germany so we could also handle them in Paris.  Well, my friends, read on to hear whether this was true or not…

After school, Ella and I left for Stuttgart to catch our train to Paris. This train trip was only 4 hours!  So cool.  I wish we could travel to other countries in only 4 hours in America too.  Before we left Schorndorf, we grabbed some food: I grabbed a salad to go from a place called Hoagie’s.  Once we were on the train, we were ready to go.  SO EXCITED!!  We kept saying to each other “We’re going to be in Paris in less than four hours!!”  I mean, come on, what’s not exciting about that?  Our plans were to get to Paris, and purchase some train tickets to Orleans (where my friend Emily lives) and then wander around Paris until it was time for our train.  Well, little did we know French is NOT the same language as German.  Hmm.  Also, the people in the train station spoke very little english, so it was difficult, but we managed. The latest train to Orleans left only about an hour later, so we didn’t have time to wander the train station, which was fine b/c we were panicked about making our train.  Also, when we were purchasing our tickets, the guy spoke barely any english, and what he spoke was difficult to understand.  But we did understand that it took 30 minutes to get to the train to Orleans!!  I think I can speak for both Ella and myself when I say what I though: “What?!?!?  We have to walk for thirty minutes??  Our train leaves in an hour!  And we’re probably going to get lost!”  So we strapped up our suitcases, purses and backpacks and were ready to venture out in the world of Paris, but then it dawned on us that it was probably a 30 min. train ride to the station we had to leave from.  Sure enough, it was.  (thank heavens!) So we made it to Gar d’lest, the train station and made our train to Orleans in time.  I cannot emphasize enough how big of a relief it was to see my friend Emily at the station.  Because I definitely did not know what I was doing in France!

That evening, we just hung out in Emily’s apartment with a bunch of her friends and enjoyed Racklet, a typical French dinner with LOTS OF CHEESE! (I love cheese) And we just talked, ate and drank wine until about 1am.  Time flew – I had no idea it was so late.

Saturday morning, we woke up pretty early so we could catch the train from Orleans to Paris (it’s about an hour train-ride).  Ella and I had a big list of things we wanted to see, but were completely unaware as to how big that city actually is.  Before we saw anything, we stopped for coffe and a little food.  Ella and I shared this cheese thing, which I can’t remember what it’s called, which was cheese, but yogurty… very French.  And very delicious!  Then we made our way to Notre Dame (can you believe I saw Notre Dame?!?!?)  It was beautiful, and this year was an anniversary of the building, so they had a huge viewing thing set up so more people can see it from higher up and such.  We did not go inside, because the line was so long and we wanted to see other things., but the outside was stunning – it is just amazing to me that ‘a bunch of guys with hand tools could build all this.’ (name that movie)  The stonework was just all so intricate!

After Notre Dame, we attempted to find a GF bakery I found online – no go.  We couldn’t find it.  HOWEVER, we did find a really beautiful area that Emily didn’t even know about before.  It was definitely off the beat-and-track, as it was quiet and there were not nearly as many people around – I’m definitely glad we found it.  We also found a Mexican restaurant: we ate there – it was yummy!

After that, we made our way to the one and only Eiffel Tower!  I still can’t believe I saw that either!!  It was a lot smaller than I thought, but it was still HUGE when you’re standing directly underneath.  We also didn’t go up there because we didn’t have enough time, but that’s okay by me – next time I go to Paris, I know Joel will probably make me go up with him 😉

We made our way back to Orleans that evening and went to the grocery store to get some food to make before we went out for the night.  First, we napped a little though, because we walked a LOT and were pretty pooped.  After napping, we made some dinner and enjoyed it all together.  Then we got ready to go out.  HOWEVER, it took a while for us to actually get out the door.  In fact, we didn’t leave Emily’s apartment until 1:00am because we were all too busy socializing!  First we went to a bar and met some more of Emily’s friends there and I was able to enjoy my first hard-apple cider in Europe (can’t seem to find them in Germany).  We hung out there for a while and then headed to a dance club.  I really wish I had taken pictures, because this club was underground in caverns!  Ancient caverns!  HOW COOL!!  We danced and danced and danced – I even “learned” to salsa dance (I wasn’t very good.)  We kept dancing, and all of a sudden, it was 5am – no joke!  We were just having so much fun, we didn’t even realize how late it had gotten.  Finally, we decided to go back to Emily’s apartment, because one of her roommates that was with us had to be at work only 3 hours later.  (still not sure how he made it!)

On Sunday, we woke up a little later and wandered around Orleans.  I’m gonna be honest: I thought Orleans was way prettier and cooler than Paris.  Don’t get me wrong, Paris was amazing, but Orleans was more me.  It was seriously a stunning city.  And it was a little bit quieter and there were less tourists.  Orleans’s clame to fame is that Joan of Arc was in their city.  For 3 days… ha!  They have a huge statue to her and in the church, the biggest painting was of her – not Jesus or Mary, which was funny.  The house that she stayed in those three nights also still stands, so it’s a tribute to her and was pretty cool.  The church in Orleans was  a beautiful gothic-style church and, quite honestly, is the prettiest church I’ve seen thus far.  After going wandering the city some, we enjoyed some coffee before we headed back to Emily’s apartment to pack our stuff and go.

Now for the ‘funny’ part of the story (it might be funny to me in a few years). Ella and I were both a little bit nervous about getting from the first station the train from Orleans took us to the station we needed to leave to Germany from.  When we got to the station in Orleans, the train we needed to take was cancelled!!  The train-workers are always striking in France, so apparently this is a common happening.  And also something that stressed the heck out of me!!  We were really nervous about making the train that we paid 130 Euros for, but Emily assured us it would be okay.  SO, we got to the next station w/o issue and then had to find the metro to ride to the main station, Gar d’Lyon.  Or so we though…. funny thing is is that French sounds all the same to Ella and I, so when we heard Gar d’Lyon, we thought we were golden.  However, we needed the state Gar d’Lest!  AHHH!!!  So we ended up being 30 minutes away from the correct station and had about 30 minutes until our train.  When we finally arrived to Gar d’Lest, our train had left 3 minutes prior.  CRAP!  I definitely began to cry, because if the first train from Orleans hadn’t been cancelled, we would have been fine!  We calmed down a bit and then went to the ticket counter to exchange our tickets, because they do that here.  Welp, not that day apparently.  The lady working said we would have to pay for a new, full-price ticket.  Super thing abou that was that both Ella’s and my cards were not letting us withdraw money!!  AND our phones were drained because we were roaming in France, so we had no money, no tickets, and no means of communication.  And God forbid the people in the ticket office let you use their phones… ugh.  All that being said, we had to take the next next train, which was an 8 hour train instead of a 4 hour one because it was cheaper and we only had so much money.  We got our tickets and then attempted to use the pay-phones, but, knowing no French, we couldn’t understand them – they were fancy ones.  So we asked for help at the information place and one of the guys was actually nice enough to come with us and help.  I was FINALLY able to get ahold of Tanja and explain to her what had happened.  Then Ella and I went to a cafe in the train station to hang out until our train left.  Once it was time to go, we walked to our platform and were SO relieved to see a German train, because we knew we were finally going to be able to understand people!!

When the first announcement came on on the train, Ella and I both broke into tears!  We had definitely ‘lost our marbles’ at that point.  We were literally crying.  And then we started laughing and crying at the same time because we were laughing at the fact that we were crying over hearing German.  (tears of happiness, of course!)  The weekend filled with a foreign language that we literally understood NONE of was more overwhelming than I had imagined it would be.  It was pretty comical.  And I’m pretty sure the other guy in our car didn’t think so… 😉

At about 4:30am, we finally rolled into the Stuttgart main train station.  OMG was I relieved.  I can’t explain how good it felt to be somewhere familiar.  the jot I felt when we got their also made me realize just how much I’m going to miss this place when I’m gone.

Well, friends, tomorrow we leave for Munich.  And my Joel come on Sunday!!  Couldn’t be happier. 😀
Until next time…

SO excited to see a Germany train!!  :D :D
SO excited to see a Germany train!! 😀 😀


Yeah... umm... not sure what the pregnant/beer belly sticker is for...?
Yeah… umm… not sure what the pregnant/beer belly sticker is for…?

We rocked some yoga on the train nach Orleans.
We rocked some yoga on the train nach Orleans.

We rocked some yoga on the train nach Orleans.
We rocked some yoga on the train nach Orleans.

Emily and I on that bridge with all the locks!  Didn't know I'd see that!
Emily and I on that bridge with all the locks! Didn’t know I’d see that!

I don't think French guards take anything lightly...
I don’t think French guards take anything lightly…

Ella and I in front of Notre Dame.
Ella and I in front of Notre Dame.

That random quiet neighborhood we found.  (looks busy b/c some girls were doing a dance thing in the street)
That random quiet neighborhood we found. (looks busy b/c some girls were doing a dance thing in the street)

Not sure.. but cool?
Not sure.. but cool?

Ella and I in front of the Eiffel Tower!!
Ella and I in front of the Eiffel Tower!!


Beautiful church in Orleans.
Beautiful church in Orleans.

Another view of the church - from the side.
Another view of the church – from the side.

Inside Orleans's church.
Inside Orleans’s church.

Another view.
Another view.

Just a really pretty bank on the corner of the street... Oh Europe.  Always so pretty.
Just a really pretty bank on the corner of the street… Oh Europe. Always so pretty.

A Day in Paradise!

Today Tanja and Jürgen took Sophia, Tanja’s sister Sonja and myself to a place called “Badewelt Sinsheim” or swimming pool world in the city of Sinsheim.  It was about an hour and a half drive from Urbach.
You all have GOT to check out their website ( http://www.badewelt-sinsheim.de/ ) to see how pretty it was! It was an indoor paradise. They imported LIVE palm trees that are all around the pool.
In the pool has a bar that you can swim up to and sit at and the seats are even under water too! When you first arrive, they give you these wrist-bands that have sensors in them that they can scan at the bar to ‘add to you tab’ that you pay at the end of the day.
There was also a way to get outside from in the pool.  Outside was another pretty big pool area that had a lazy river in one part and these awesome things that shoot water with a TON of pressure – it was like a neck massage (aka HEAVEN!)
From the main, big pool, there was also an entryway that lead to the kiddy pool and also to the pool-pool.  (I swam laps for the first time in two years!)
There are also 3 other pools: one that is Dead Sea salt water, another is Magnesium water and the other is Calcium water.  Let me tell you – my skin is glowing right now (in a good way).  It feels so sofffft.  The only part that sucked was the cut on my finger in the salt pool. LOL!  But these ‘health pools’ were pretty dang cool, if you ask me!
Through ANOTHER entryway, you could get to the spa area which is ‘off-limits’ to children, so Sonja and I went so we could get to the saunas. You had to scan your wrist-band to get into this area and go through a revolving door thing.  We walked through the door and then… right there in front of me… OLD MAN’S NAKED BUTT!!!  Apparently we were in the ‘nude’ area.  I thought I can handle this.  It’s Germany.  This is normal here.  However, then I learned that bathing suits ARE NOT PERMITTED in the saunas!!!!  EEEEEK!!!  So, everyone, what did Keely do?  Guesses?? Guesses!?!?  That’s right – I hugged my towel and never let go! Towels were allowed (thank goodness)!! I had that towel clinging to me like a vacuum sealed bag around a steak!  I was totally cool with other people being nude (okay, not totally cool, but I kept my cool) but this girl was NOT going nude today.  Sorry.  I know that I was the weird one in the saunas for having my towel, but I did not care – it was not leaving my skin!  Talk about a security blanket, jeepers!
Anyway, the saunas were lovely – they were all SO paradise-y.  One had a theater in it with nature videos, another was deserty with a cow-skull and everything (but dark, not bright), another was the “coffee sauna” (yes, coffee.  Every now and then they come in and make coffee and serve it to patrons, however there were WAY too many naked bodies stuffed in that room come coffee time, so I skipped the free coffee today).
There was also a really nice restaurant in this spa area – they had fresh salads and mine was very delicious.  It was nice, but a little strange every time a buck-naked human being walked by… with everything hanging out.
In the end, it was a very lovely day.  The paradise of it all was very nice.  It was like Germany’s own Hawaii.  😉

Until next time…

K, so this is a BAD photo, but photos are forbidden, so you're welcome for taking a risk for you all!!  ;)Check out their website for cooler pics.
K, so this is a BAD photo, but photos are forbidden, so you’re welcome for taking a risk for you all!! 😉
Check out their website for cooler pics.

Blog break OVER! (sorry!)

Hello friends!
So, clearly I decided to take most of the month of February off.  (or Ich bin faul – ‘I am lazy’ in German) 😀  You can all thank my beloved Joel for telling me to stop slacking.  But I’m going to write quick, because I’m kind of tired and want to go to bed.  🙂 🙂 You all understand, I know!

That being said, I thought I’d fill you in with what we did today.  Today we went to a city called Tübingen.  This city has the oldest University in Germany, which was founded by “King” Lichtenstein (King is in quotes, because I’m not sure if that’s actually right… oops.)  Anyway, the University was found in the late 15th century (aka 14something) It was actually a REALLY pretty city.  There is a river that people row-boat on in the spring and summer, which I think is pretty cool.  It was definitely a college town, but IN GERMANY, so naturally, we all thought it was pretty fun.

We also got to go around the castle area which was BEAUTIFUL.  After a little bit of venturing in the castle, we found a grassy area where people were training with bows and arrows!  There was also a guy that charged 2euros for people to shoot 5 arrows.  I woosed out and did not, but 3 people from our group did, so it was funny.   Very interesting too, because a few were wearing, like, Lord of the Rings capes…?  But it was so medieval because we were IN a castle and watching people shoot bows and arrows!

We pretty much just walked around the town and saw a bunch of pretty buildings.  Also, one of the host-mom’s of the group went to school here, so she came with today to show us around, which was really nice because she knew a lot.

Of course we also shopped a little…. When do I not shop??  BUT I only bought food – there was a farmers market in the town that day, so I got some delicious fresh fruit.  And I also found a very nice, big natural grocer, so  I got some chocolate covered rice cakes for snacks for the day. 🙂 OH!!  I lied – I didn’t just buy food: I also purchased some new yarn and knitting needles because my friend Rachel’s host-mom taught us to knit the other day!  WOOHOO!!

Anyway, that was my day in Tübingen, but now I’m really going to go to bed, because I’m tired and my clothes smell like cigarettes from the college town.

Until next time… (which will hopefully be sooner, maybe next Sunday, because I’M GOING TO PARIS NEXT WEEKEND!!!!)

Just a pretty view from inside the castle.  AND the castle is rented out into apt's now, so I'm pretty sure someone rents that place as their apt.  How cool would that be?  "Where can I pick you up?"  "Oh, I live in THE CASTLE!"
Just a pretty view from inside the castle. AND the castle is rented out into apt’s now, so I’m pretty sure someone rents that place as their apt. How cool would that be? “Where can I pick you up?” “Oh, I live in THE CASTLE!”

My pal, Zach, shooting archery.
My pal, Zach, shooting archery.

Outside the castle, with my professor making antlers.  She's great!  :)
Outside the castle, with my professor making antlers. She’s great! 🙂

The entrance to the castle.  Pretty? I think YES!
The entrance to the castle. Pretty? I think YES!

Tübingen's Rathaus (town hall)
Tübingen’s Rathaus (town hall)

SO BEAUTIFUL!!  This is the river people boat on.  and live on.  ugh. we need this in Iowa.  ;)
SO BEAUTIFUL!! This is the river people boat on. and live on. ugh. we need this in Iowa. 😉

A building with graffiti that is against calling illegal immigration illegal.
A building with graffiti that is against calling illegal immigration illegal.

Nürnberg, Rottweil and more…

Hello friends!  I returned to Germany last Monday from my trip to Ohio for the job interview.  Just so you all know – didn’t get it… 😦 boo!
My trip to America was STRESSFUL because I was supposed to fly from Stuttgart Germany to Newark, however, we had an emergency landing for more fuel in Goosebay, Canada.  Wherever that is!  (it’s VERY North in Canada). We were on the ground for 2 or 3 hours there because it started to storm and then they had to de-ice the plane!  Well, my layover was just over three hours, so needless to say, when I arrived in Newark I was FREAKING OUT! Because I didn’t have much time to go through customs, get my bags, re-check my bags, go through security again, make the train to my terminal and make my flight.  It was extremely stressful, but I was helping a German man who was coming to America for the first time and he didn’t really know what to do and where to go and his connecting flight was 15 minutes before mine.  We ran to catch the train and once we got on it, IT BROKE DOWN!  Of course it did.  Why wouldn’t it when we were both desperate to make our flights? The train started going again about 7 minutes later (which seems like an eternity when you’re trying to make a connecting flight).  I told him to continue to  stick with me and we made it through security by my asking if we can cut to make our connecting flight, so we got to use the employee only entrance through security, which was great, because the security line was probably a one hour wait, if not longer. Then we cut a few more people once we got up to the checker-thingies.  He gave me a huge hug and thanked me, which was great because Germans don’t really hug – that’s an American thing.  Germans are more likely to shake hands, so it was nice that I was able to help him.  I told him to go in front of me at the security line since his flight was sooner and also told him to not put his shoes on, but to just RUN!  haha.  I don’t know if he made his flight or not, but I sure hope so.  He had, like, 1 or 2 minutes by the time he got through security and his gate was close, so I hope so!  I made my flight to Ohio. Thank goodness, because I was so ANXIOUS to see my mom and dad!  🙂

My weekend was a blur as I was interviewing with jet-lag.  It was interesting, to say the least. My flight back to Germany was uneventful.  I made it to Stuttgart in time to get a train a few minutes later and get to school on time for lunch.  Thank goodness, because I was hungry!  I went strait from the train station to school, so I was also tired!

School was the same as usual last week through Thursday. Then, on Friday, we left for Nürnberg, which is the city where Hitler held the big Nazi rallies and wanted to make the largest stadium in the world, etc.  It was a beautiful city with so much history, so naturally, I was in love.  It’s my favorite city that we’ve visited so far.

On Friday, we went to the city museum.  I really enjoyed this museum, as it showed the history of the town and how in 1945, the town was in complete ruins.  It was VERY interesting and the man working there was very nice and answered all of my questions!
Then we broke into groups and my group went to the DB Museum (Deutsch Bahn).  It was the train museum.  It was definitely not the most exciting museum, in my opinion, but it was interesting to see how the train systems changed around 1945.
That evening, my friend Ella and I decided that we didn’t just want to sit in the hotel, so we decided to go walk around the town (don’t worry, mom, it wasn’t that late).  We wound up at an Irish Pub, which was pretty fun.  We hung out there for probably an hour and a half before we made our way back to the hotel.  I was actually pretty proud of us because we were just going to walk around by our hotel and ended up find the main city area where we were that day.  It wasn’t far by any means, but we took the train to our hotel earlier, so we didn’t know how to get there.  But we found it!  We’re big kids now.  😉

Saturday morning we went to the area where Hitler built all of those huge monumental buildings and the stadium.  That was very interesting, because the building he wnated to build as his government building is now used as a museum and commerce building.  It was HUGE.  But that was his goal – to be big and intimidating.

The building that is now the museum and some commerce.
The building that is now the museum and some commerce.

We also went outside and walked over to the stadium area – also huge.  He wanted it to be the biggest stadium in the world.  We also walked on the grand street, where they would hold the Nazi parades and stuff.  It was interesting, but I also felt kind of guilty climbing all the stairs that slaves to the Nazis built and stuff… weird.  But historically, cool?  (hopefully that doesn’t sound bad!)


After the museum and walking around, we had free time.  A few of us walked around the main part of the city again.  We found the city’s castle and walked around there for a while.  It was cool.  And people still live in it – like, it’s been turned into apartments – cool!  We walked around the city till it got dark.  It was seriously SO beautiful at night!  It was dark out, but the lights in the church were still on, so the stained glass looked beautiful, the river looked beautiful, etc.  It was just so lovely.  We found some interesting things; fountains, buildings, stores.  It was nice to just walk around the town and see everything.  After an hour or so, we decided to go back to the hotel.  We all hung out, played some cards, and then decided we’d go back out.  5 of us went to a bar in the city.  Again, it was just fun and relaxing and we weren’t out too late and we got to sleep in on Sunday!  So it was a nice evening.

The city's castle.
The city’s castle.

See?  SO pretty at night-time!
See? SO pretty at night-time!

On Sunday, we got up, enjoyed our breakfast (which, side-note: continental breakfasts here are SO GOOD!  Oh mannn!! Tons of fresh fruits, yogurts, meat, cheese, spreads, juice, coffee, tea.  Okay, so that sounds the same, but it WAS NOT!  Like, seriously, there were SO many different fresh fruits.  Not just apples and bananas, but pineapple, kiwi, peaches, pears, oranges, bananas, and lots more.  And several different types of meats and cheese.  It was good, okay?) Anyway, after breakfast, we went to the German National Museum.  There were some interesting things in the museum (including the oldest globe on earth, which excludes the Americas because those ‘didn’t exist yet’), but it was a little bit too big.  It was very intimidating and VERY easy to get lost.  Luckily, I stuck with my pal Zach and we didn’t get too lost…

After that museum, we went to a brewery for lunch/dinner.  It was underground, which was cool.  It was super busy too, because it’s Fasching weekend (Carnival). So it took a very long time to get everything, but we had the time, so it was okay!  After, we walked around a bit and then hopped on the train and headed home.

Monday, we had a typical day of school.
Then, yesterday, Tuesday, we went to Rottweil, which is well known for it’s Fasching celebrations.  It is, like, THE city to go to for traditional Fasching celebrations.  It was soooooo interesting.  And by interesting, I mean weird, but in a non-insulting way..?  Hundreds and hundreds of people in masks and costumes.  We went for the parade, but hung out for a while before.  Everyone had these HUGE bratwursts – probably at least 12″!  And they also had some Glüwein, or mulled wine.  I didn’t, because I couldn’t eat any of the stuff and wasn’t going to have wine with no food… But it all smelled good!  😉 (I smell peoples’s food when I think I want to eat it but can’t because of the gluten thing).  Back to the costumes: there were some people dressed in these feathery costumes and they had poles with cow tails attached to them which they would rub all over people’s faces, which traditionally means that they are blessing them with fertility.  If that’s true, I’ll probably have lots of babies some day because there was A LOT of cow-tail in my face… ha! The cow tails smelled weird too.  Not like gross, but they perfume the heck out of them, but it was definitely not my favorite perfume… But still a fun thing to experience.  Again, we took the train home at the end of the day and I pretty much crashed once I went to bed.

A few of the feather-guys.  Even kids participate.  And the masks and costumes get passed down generations in their families, which is cool. And not just anybody can participate - you have to part of these clubs.
A few of the feather-guys. Even kids participate. And the masks and costumes get passed down generations in their families, which is cool. And not just anybody can participate – you have to part of these clubs.











Until next time…

Last day in Germany (for the week…)

I thought I’d do one more post before I go back to America for the weekend.  Yes, I’m going back to America.  For the weekend… I have an interview in Ohio for a job I REALLY REALLY REALLY want!  I would be working for Kappa Kappa Gamma!
Anyway, I thought I’d fill you all in with what we did today and then explain my nightly ritual here in Germany… LOL!

This afternoon, after lunch, our teacher that is from here asked us if we’d like to go on a walk in the town and go over a little bit of history and stuff.  Seeing as it was a lovely day outside, we all agreed!  The sky was VERY dark off in the distance, but that didn’t scare us!
We went on this walk and started at the city Schloss (castle, which I’m dumb and didn’t take pictures of.. but I’ll get one soon, I promise!).  It was very pretty, but is still used for Government business, so we couldn’t really do any touristy things except look at it.
We continued to walk through town as our professor pointed out specific historic buildings, signs, etc.  We saw some police officers and, just because our professor from Simpson, PC, told us NO POLIZEI while we were in Germany, I asked if we could take a picture with them, you know – to be sassy!  So we did. 🙂 Great fun!  They didn’t even think we were weird.  They even ended up talking to us for a few minutes after the photo-shoot.
We kept walking and then randomly stumbled upon the Stadtmuseum (city’s museum), which I had NO idea was there.  We ended up going inside and, although there is a fee, our teacher somehow got us all in for free.  Good thing too, because that museum was AWESOME! Seriously… Awesome.  There was SO much history about the city and artifacts and it was in an old building that’s been modernized in some parts.  There were, like, nooks and crannies you could go in and random staircases you could go up/down everywhere.  It was great!  We were probably there for over an hour, but there was so much to see, I’d like to go back! (and I’d even pay for it!!)


Pots from 2 BC.  Woooow!
Pots from 2 BC. Woooow!








Food rations for women that worked during and after WWII.  Cool because we learned about this in class this week.
Food rations for women that worked during and after WWII. Cool because we learned about this in class this week.










Now for another fun tid-bit of information: MY NIGHTLY RITUAL! (okay, it’s not, like, ritual ritual, but routine, I guess…)
Every night after I get ready for bed, I turn of my lights, but turn on my fireplace (yes, there’s a fireplace in my room!!) and sit at the end of my bed to get my little toezies warm while I write in my journal (thanks, Jared! – he got me moleskein journals for Christmas!). Once I’m done, I put some quiet, classical music on on my iPad and play solitaire on it until my eyes start to glaze over.  Then I know I’m ready for sleep, so I turn of the fireplace and crawl into bed and pass-out.  Exciting, right?  Okay, maybe not, but I figured some random information wouldn’t hurt anything.  Or perhaps I just like to brag about the fact that I have a fireplace in my bedroom.  😉

Here's my bed-area.
Here’s my bed-area.

And my lovely fireplace!
And my lovely fireplace!









Welp, I should probably finish packing, since I have a big flight tomorrow!!  🙂
Until next time…



Rothenburg and more…

So clearly it’s been a while since I’ve posted on my blog – but that’s because on weekdays, I can’t think of much to talk about because Monday-Fridays, I’m in school from 9-4, and then I ride the bus home, do a little homework, play with Sophia, etc.  On Saturdays, however, the group makes trips to other parts of Germany.  For example, this weekend, we went to Rothenburg, a super-touristy city in Bayern.

Rothenburg was beautiful.  It was a German town exactly as you would picture it in, like, Epcot or something.  Stereotypical German village.  But I’m not complaining – it was a great opportunity to buy souvenirs, get a bunch of touristy photos, etc.  At the beginning of the trip, we ventured along the city wall, where we could enjoy the scenery of Rothenburg and surrounding areas.  After wandering for, oh maybe an hour, we decided to shop!!  We all founds some pretty great souvenirs.  And we all spent a little bit too much… Rothenburg was very different from Stuttgart and Ulm, because it clearly targets tourists.  They had signs in English, Japanese, and sometimes French, Spanish, Italian, etc.  Our professor said that it’s the number 1 tourist city in Germany.

A main street in Rothenburg.
A main street in Rothenburg.

A photo of some of the group in Rothenburg.
A photo of some of the group in Rothenburg.

Another cool picture from Rothenburg.
Another cool picture from Rothenburg.

The wall around the city of Rothenburg that we walked along.
The wall around the city of Rothenburg that we walked along.

Some random toilets (we think) in the wall.  It'd suck to accidentally be standing below... ;)
Some random toilets (we think) in the wall. It’d suck to accidentally be standing below… 😉

After lunch, we went to a museum that had the history of crime and punishment.  It was SO COOL!!  There was even a REAL iron maiden in the museum!!  There was some pretty twisted stuff in that museum, but I kinda love seeing that stuff… haha!  I took a class on Crime and Punishment in England at Simpson my sophomore year, so it was fun to actually be able to see some of the things we talked about in that class.  I did a research project over shaming punishments, so seeing so many different versions of shaming masks was very cool.  It was a good Saturday.

The Iron Maiden - SO COOL!!
The Iron Maiden – SO COOL!!

Shaming Mask - funny things, they are!
Shaming Mask – funny things, they are!

A document from Otto I (Dated Sept 17, 937 - - - that 9-3-7, not 1937!)
A document from Otto I (Dated Sept 17, 937 – – – that’s 9-3-7, not 1937 – aka OLD!)

On Sunday, I was a little bit tired, having gone 6 hours on a train on Saturday  along with venturing Rothenburg.  That being said, I knew if I napped I wouldn’t be able to sleep that night, so when Tanja offered to go for a walk, I was happy to go along!  She thought the walk would be 45 minutes to and hour, but we ended up taking a little over 2.5 hours!!  I’m not complaining though – it was lovely!!  We basically hiked up a nearby mountain which, at the top, we could look down upon all of Urbach and surrounding areas.  It was seriously SO PRETTY!!  It was a little chilly out, but not cold, so it was a great day to get some fresh air.  After our walk, we had a small lunch since it was already after 2 and Tanja’s and Jürgen’s parents were coming over for dinner.  Although I couldn’t understand most of what was said at the dinner table, it was still an enjoyable evening with very friendly and welcoming people.  Funny comment of the day: Later in the evening, I needed to do my homework, so I was working on it at the kitchen table for a little while and I wasn’t even paying attention that Tanja and Jürgen were putting all the chairs up so their iRobot (automatic vacuum) could clean and Jürgen said to me, “Bar’s closed, Keely.”  bahaha!  I thought it was pretty hysterical, personally…

I just thought this was a cool photo from the train station in Urbach.
I just thought this was a cool photo from the train station in Urbach.

Here is a view of Urbach (yellow arrow) from the top of the mountain.  The purple arrow points to Schorndorf, the town that my school is in.
Here is a view of Urbach (yellow arrow) from the top of the mountain. The purple arrow points to Schorndorf, the town that my school is in.

Today the weather was LOVELY!  It was, like, one of the first days we’ve been here that it didn’t snow a little.  Most days, there is a little bit of flurry, but today there was none AND it was nice out.  In fact, after lunch, my friends Ella and Rachel and I played on the playground near our school.  Ella and I played for about 45 minutes, just because we were enjoying the fresh air and sunshine (most days are cloudy too).

Ella and I swinging in the park taking advantage of the nice weather, because Tanja said February will be cold again - bummer, dude...
Ella and I swinging in the park taking advantage of the nice weather, because Tanja said February will be cold again – bummer, dude…

Anyway, although you all didn’t hear (well, read…) much from me in this past week, it’s been a good week!

Till next time…

Staying Busy!

So, as you may have noticed, it’s been a few days since I last posted.  Well, that’s because I’ve been BUSY!!  Also, I’ve decided to try something new: Seeing as I’m a bit long-winded in my blog, I will bold everything that we did for those that want a short story, and for those that want more detail, you can read more.  You’re welcome. 🙂

Friday, there wasn’t much to report, other than WE GOT THE AFTERNOON OFF!!  We do not have our afternoon classes on Fridays, which is kiiiinda nice.  I feel like it was the first chance I had to actually explore Schorndorf.  We’ve been so busy, we haven’t had time to find anything new on our own, so it was nice to have a little free time.
The others and I were shown a bar called Gottslied (I think) and we hung out there for a while and just relaxed and enjoyed our afternoon.

Saturday, we took a day-trip to Ulm, a city that takes about an hour and a half to get to by train.  Ulm was very pretty, but was also VERY cold.
The first thing we did was go to Ulmer Münster, the church with the tallest spire in the world!  COOL!!  I’m pretty bummed because it was so dark, so most of my pictures did not turn out well.  However, I’ve included some pictures that did turn out alright.
After roughly and hour of exploring the large church, a few of us climbed the spire!  Although we could only climb half of it because the top half is closed in the winter, it was EXHAUSTING (my calves are still cramped from it).  It was our workout for the day though.  😉

Me next to, ummm, something in the church.  (everything was in Latin, so I wasn't sure... but it looked cool).
Me next to, ummm, something in the church. (everything was in Latin, so I wasn’t sure… but it looked cool).



The narrow stairs we trekked up for quite some time.  And got quite winded.
The narrow stairs we trekked up for quite some time. And got quite winded.

We had lunch at the Pfannkuchenhaus (pancake house, or ihop – Germany edition).  The plates were beyond humongous, but we weren’t allowed to take pictures.  😦 I think they had to be at least 12″ though… yeah, big.

Then we went to a museum about he Donough River and learned about people that were in the area before and during WWII.

For the evening, my dear friend Ella and I parted ways from the group and went to Stuttgart again to hang out with Tanja’s sister, Sonja.  We had such a fun night!  Though, I must say – “going out” here is SO much different than in the US (well, Iowa anyway).  There were SO many people!!  You know how in movies, people can’t move – yeah, I didn’t think that was real until last night.  Holy moly, were there a lot of people.  It was a fun experience, but not one I think I’d be able to do very often.  Sonja and her friends, Julia and Collette were SO nice to us and so welcoming in their apartment.  We had so much fun comparing our cultures and little things that we say, such as Squirrel (or Eichhörnchen in German) or “nose goes,” a silly American thing.  Ella and I actually spoke quite a bit of German, so I’d say it was a successful night!  🙂  We finally went to bed at 4am.  Woah, right?  Long night!!

This morning, we woke up pretty early (considering we went to bed so late) and rode the train back to Schorndorf so Ella could get to church (because she’s such a god Catholic!).  We enjoyed some breakfast with Sonja and Julia before we left, but then had to hustle off for train rides, which proved difficult today because the roads had been covered in ice in our four hours of sleep.

Although very tired today, when Tanja asked if I wanted to go to the Fehrnsehturn today, I thought it would be fun, so she, Jürgen, Sophia and I went.  The Fehrnsehturn is the first television tower! And you can go up to the top! So we did.  And at the top there is a coffee shop, so we hung out there for a bit.  It was really cool to see all of Stuttgart from way up high! Then we went for a walk and found an ice skating rink and a climbing gym in the area. We watched climbers for a while (and warmed up inside) and I must say – I was very impressed!!  That’s hard work.  Cool though. Then we went to dinner and then came home and hung out for a while.

The Fehrnsehturn from afar.  Cool, yeah?
The Fehrnsehturn from afar. Cool, yeah?

Sophia and I.  You can see Stuttgart far below!
Sophia and I. You can see Stuttgart far below!

So, as you can see, I’ve been busy.  That’s a lot of stuff in two days!  But all is good!
Until next time…

My 2 new loves <3

With so many new, exciting and awesome things to experience here in Germany, I thought I would pick my top two new favorite things.

The first is mushrooms.  My whole life, I have been afraid of mushrooms.  NO LONGER!  The first night I was here, my host-mother made me a dinner that was, like, a mushroom stir-fry almost that had a very tasty sauce (I know… another tasty sauce!) I have had mushrooms a few other times in my meals, because they are in a lot of my foods here, and yesterday I INTENTIONALLY ordered mushrooms!  What is happening to me?!?!  I also ate cabbage today… and liked it!  But I must say, mushrooms are a new love for me.  Who cares that they’re fungi?  Not me.  Not anymore, anyway!  They are filling, and actually pretty good.  So yes, I am now a mushroom eater…

Here is a photo of Zach, myself and Ella at the restaurant we go to every day (where I eat mushrooms)
Here is a photo of Zach, myself and Ella at the restaurant we go to every day (where I eat mushrooms)

The second new love is public transportation.  Oh.  My.  Gosh.  It’s the best thing since gluten-free sliced bread!  But really.  The convenience of the mass public transportation here is something I wish we had at home.  Of course, everything is way closer and there are way more people per area here, so it makes more sense, but it would definitely be a nice addition to America!  Trains in Iowa, anyone?  Think about it – you could go to downtown Des Moines (where the bars a little better than I-town’s) to go out with friends and not worry about paying for a cab or making one of you friends be the DD and have no problem getting home!  Why?  Because you can just hop on the bus and GET HOME SAFE!  Besides this convenience, I personally love it extra-well because I HATE DRIVING!!  Being able to sit on a bus or on the train and read to school is FAR better than getting in my car and having to pay attention to the road.  Boooorinnggg! I for realzies love it.  Also cool: the bus that I take to Schorndorf every day is a Mercedes bus – AWESOME!  That’s right – I’m the high-roller that can take the Mercedes bus to school!  (They’re all Mercedes, but no one has to know that…) 😉  The bus I have pictured is the size of TWO BUSES!  They’re connected with and accordian-style ‘thing’ in the middle (which, yes, there are some in America too..), but these HUGE buses can get around the tightest round-about (which there are MANY of here) and it blows my mind!  I always think we’re gonna take out some signs, or buildings, or people… but the bus drivers are good.


Here's my sweet Mercedes bus. Pretty colors!!  ;)
Here’s my sweet Mercedes bus. Pretty colors!! 😉

The times of alllll the buses I can take from Schorndorf to Urbach, and vis-versa.
The times of alllll the buses I can take from Schorndorf to Urbach, and vis-versa.

So these are the two latest discoveries I’ve made in my love-life.  Might sound lame, but hey!  They seem to be making my life better, so I’m happy.  🙂

Until next time…